Fixed Bundle

Learn how to create a Product Bundle for your store using the WPBundle Plugin using the Fixed Bundle campaign


Fixed Bundle is a type of product bundle that is created by selecting a set of various or specific products and bundling them up, and adding it to the store with either a Discount or Fixed price.

Bundling up of products and providing discounts or setting a fixed price will boost the store sales as well as the revenue.

This user guide explains how to create a Checkout Upsell campaign using WPBundle

Example Scenarios:

  1. No Discount : No discount nor a fixed price is set for the Product Bundle

  2. Percentage discount: Provide a percentage discount for the Bundle created (e.g., 20% off for the Bundled product)

  3. Fixed Price for the Bundle: Set a Fixed price for the product bundle created using WPBundle (e.g., $50 for the Bundle).

  4. Fixed Discount for the Bundle: Create a Fixed discount for the Product Bundle (e.g., $50 for the Bundle, whereas the actual price of the Bundle would be $75)

Please make sure you have already installed and activated the WPBundle plugin.

Please note that some of the features explained here are available only in the PRO version.

Get WPBundle PRO

Let us get started,

Example 1 : NO DISCOUNT

In this scenario we will create a Product Bundle without any Discount nor any Fixed Price

Creating a Product Bundle

  • Go to WordPress dashboard -> WPBundle -> Create New Bundle -> choose “Fixed Bundle”

Here's the screenshot of how the Product bundle with no discount is created

Details of the Bundle Configuration are :

  1. Search and enter those products that are to be Bundled

  2. Give a name for the Bundle. E.g. Toy

  3. Select "NO Discount" from the Discount and Pricing tab.

  4. Save the Bundle

Screenshot of how the Bundle will be displayed in the Shop page with No Discount

Example 2 : Percentage Discount

In this scenario, We will create a Product bundle and Give a 20% discount for that bundle.

Creating a Product Bundle

  • Go to WordPress dashboard -> WPBundle -> Create New Bundle -> choose “Fixed Bundle”

Screenshot of how a Product Bundle is created with a 20% Discount

Details of the Configuration are :

  1. Search and enter those products that are to be Bundled

  2. Give a name for the Bundle. E.g. Toy

  3. Select "Percentage Discount" from the Discount and Pricing tab and enter the percentage value (20 %).

  4. Save the Bundle

Screenshot of how the Bundle will be displayed in the Shop page with Percentage Discount

Example 3 : Fixed Price for the Bundle

In this scenario, we will create a product Bundle which would have a Fixed Price which is set by us rather than the actual cost.

Creating a Product Bundle

  • Go to WordPress dashboard -> WPBundle -> Create New Bundle -> choose “Fixed Bundle”

Screenshot of how a Product Bundle is configured with a Fixed Price.

Details of the Configuration are :

  1. Search and enter those products that are to be Bundled

  2. Give a name for the Bundle. E.g. Toy Fixed

  3. Select the option "Fixed Price for the Bundle" from the Discount and Pricing tab and enter the Fixed Price value ($1800).

  4. Save the Bundle

Screenshot of how the Bundle will be displayed in the Store with a Fixed Price

Example 4 : Fixed Discount for the Bundle

In this scenario, we will create a product Bundle which would have a Fixed Price which is set by us rather than the actual cost.

Creating a Product Bundle

  • Go to WordPress dashboard -> WPBundle -> Create New Bundle -> choose “Fixed Bundle”

Screenshot of how to create a Product Bundle with a Fixed Discount

Details of the Configuration are :

  1. Search and enter those products that are to be Bundled

  2. Give a name for the Bundle. E.g. Toy Cars

  3. Select the option "Fixed Discount for Bundle" from the Discount and Pricing tab and enter the Discount Value ($500).

  4. Save the Bundle

Screenshot of how the Bundle will be displayed in the Store with a Fixed Discounted Price

Please make sure you have already installed and activated the WPBundle plugin. Please note that some of the features explained here are available only in the PRO version.

Get WPBundle PRO

If you need any assistance, please create a support request in our ticket system. We are always happy to assist you :)

Last updated